
Hello Job World. Doublespeak World. Developer World. CarWorld. Disney World. TV/computer World. 

Hello clutter, congestion, noise, traffic lights, gridlock, commuter “lifestyles,” buzzwords.

Hello regulations and regulators and bureaucrats and “Planned Growth” and “authorities” and power trippers.

Hello to cool technology.

Hello to less prejudice and discrimination. 

Hello to the concept (and fact) of rarity and endangerment and imminent extinctions all over the world at once.

Hello to mega-overpopulation at the same time as mega-overconsumption.

Hello to public schools that look to be maximum-security.

Hello to Mass Media and its twin cults of Fear (of everybody and everything) and Consumption (a disease which used to kill people but now kills worlds).

Hello to a new frantic urgency for conservation.

Hello to a brave new world that is all about Money and nothing about community. 

Hello to way more trees and way less open land.

Hello to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer (and more numerous than ever) and the in-between fading away.

Hello to fast food and fast everything and instant gratification. 

Hello to a generation that is more concerned about the natural world than ever but also more ignorant about it than ever.

Hello to “landscaping” instead of gardening. 

Hello to quantity before quality.

Hello to throw-it-out instead of fix-it. 

Hello to phones answered by machines instead of people, and people who sound like machines.

Hello to obscenity in everyday conversation.

Hello to less societal repression generally. 

Hello to gentrification, cutesification, disneyization, general frou-frou.