
Once upon a time the automobile was a curiosity, then a plaything for the rich, useful piece of machinery among others… and now it rules our landscape, our economy, our lives. Hail Emperor Auto 1st! 

The new linear life along the new toxic bloodstream; we can now see the world from a vantage point of two dimensions instead of three.

Carscapes--what you see in most of lowland California/USA.

Bloodstream analogy is a good one--develops in the embryo stage from a few tentative vessels carrying a few exploring corpuscles, and those first little branches expand and ramify and increase, little rivulets become great arteries, carrying no longer a few but now great rushing masses of car-puscles, pulsing along rhythmically according to the beat of the commuter drum. Each artery divides and re-divides into endless little capillaries and cul-de-sacs, the tiniest of them delivering only one carpuscle to one cell, and driving the empire of the car to the ends of the earth, to every California nook and cranny, hillside and mountaintop. 

Well, you could drive this analogy down any number of roads, but I’d rather go on to pleasanter things. 

The big difference between the two circulatory systems is in the materials they transport and deliver to and remove from the “body.” 

Blood brings oxygen and takes away our CO2 “exhaust” whereas cars deliver exhaust and use oxygen (etc etc including: bringing food vs. consuming?, removing toxins and wastes vs. importing them, etc).