Important Variables to Consider for Choosing the Right Tree for the Right Spot in the Landscape
Important variables to consider for choosing the right tree for the right spot in the landscape
(This could/should be done either in chart form—to enable scanning for several attributes at once—or computerized.)
Basic size: Big, Medium, Small
Basic shape: Cone, Tall, Round
(examples of “tall” include Cercidiphyllum, Populus, Diospyros virginiana, Sassafras, Carya)
(examples of “”cone” include Liriodendron, Liquidambar, most conifers, etc.)
(examples of “round” include Aesculus, many oaks, Zelkova)
Deciduous vs. evergreen
Broadleaf vs. conifer
Basic branching type
Basic bark type
Basic leaf type
Basic flower/fruit type
Water requirement
Sun vs. shade
Fast vs. slow
Common vs. rare
Attractions: fall color? flowers?