"Out California" Precisely Defined by Sunset Magazine "Climate Zones"

NW Ventura Co. (Zone 1-2-3) looks like the Hindu Kush! Or Utah?

California Floristic Province defined by Zone 7 (including Rogue River Valley in SW Oregon) and Zone 17 into SW Oregon coast

Furthermore, N/Central California separated from Southern California by Zones 18-24

Deserts separated by Zones 10-13

Central Valley Zones 8 (valley) and 9 (low foothills) except coastal influence in middle of valley (Zone 14), which coincides with many plant distributions including Trifolium barbigerum and T. grayi

Only non-California iffy exception is bits of Zone 4 in North Coast Range (resembling Puget Sound “bulb country”).  [Expand on this.]

Lebec is a town at the maximum hub of climate diversity in all of California, within a short distance of a dozen or so of the Sunset climate zones--including high mountains, high plateau, San Joaquin Valley floor, desert, and typical California foothill country, and even some “coastal influence”!  MUST SEE