Brief Descriptions of Major Tree Problems/Diseases, etc.
Anthracnose—first crop of leaves (on sycamore) die off
Pitch Canker—mostly confined to Monterey pine. Began in Santa Cruz County
Sudden Oak Death—caused by Phytophthora sp. (from notes at Bay Laurel Nursery, with expert Pavel Suihra? Farm advisor Steve Tjosvold, arborist Barrie Coate, Gail Page, Kim Hayes et al.) in 1999, soon after disease began to spread seriously.
Oak bark beetle—cuts off water supply; clear (then black) goo oozing from trunk. Flies in March then Sep/Oct but can delay to May. Ambrosia beetle comes later (flight peak in October) attracted by the goo, lays eggs above it. Many beetles (Buprestids, Cerambicids) follow the initial attack.
Daldenia/Hypoxylon fungus sprouts after Ambrosia attack. To prevent beetles, cover with Astro/Dragnet
Oak bark beetle (Pseudopithiopteris agrifoliae etc) frass is paprika-like and outside of Ambrosia frass (i.e. likes living tissue). Ambrosia b. frass is pale, and emergence hole is large diameter than oak bark beetle.
[Get handouts etc. from Steve Singer et al.]